This past week, I had the pleasure of participating in the celebration of the three year anniversary of Chicken Nugget Lemon Tooty. It's a blog set up by talented illustrator Aaron Zenz for his kids, Lily (age 6), Grace (age 9), and Isaac (age 10). On their blog, they post illustrations inspired by their favorite books and Illustration Friday topics, among other things.
As a surprise for the kids, to celebrate their three years, Aaron sent out an open invitation for artists to do their versions of his kids' art. The results are lots of fun. I did an illustration for each kid, but this was my favorite of the three. The top drawing was done by Isaac at age 8. The one on the bottom is my version.
Make sure to take a look at their site. This creative bunch turns out some pretty awesome stuff! Aaron is accepting submissions till the end of the month, so there's still time to do one. You might be surprised how inspired you can get from the creativity of a kid. To check out their site, click here.